Am I the Only One Who…


Sometimes I think about silly stuff.  Have you ever wondered whether you’re the only one in the world who does a certain thing or feels a certain way?  I do that a lot, and even though I know I can’t possibly be the ONLY one, it’s sometimes embarrassing, these things upon which I dwell!

Am I the only one who…

1.  Looks at women my age (48) and thinks to myself, “Oh, she’s probably mid-fifties or so.  I look younger than her…don’t I?”  Remember…these are women my age.  Or so I assume… 

2.  Watches beauty pageants and finds fault in the contestants!  “She’s a little on the hippy side!”  “Her face is kind of masculine,” or “I could have done a better solo than THAT!”  Or…”Those aren’t real!”  Be honest! ??

3.  Clips coupons and never uses them, and then gets really impatient when I get behind a “couponer” at Wal-Mart?

4. Sometimes lets the hair on my legs get so long it’s soft?

5.  Hears the conversations of strangers and has to bite my tongue to keep from interjecting some witticism or opinion?

6.  Has to go through Walgreen’s, oh, once a month or so, to buy deodorant because I’m pretty sure I put mine on at the house, but I honestly can’t remember?

7.  Waits to do the night-before’s dishes the next morning?  Sometimes two nights’ worth.  Sad face.

8.  Groups M&Ms by color and then eats them down to an even number, and then eats them till they are all equal in number?  And then I get really confused as to what to eat next so I pop all of what’s left into my mouth at once.

9.  Calls both my granddaughter and my dog by my daughter’s name?

10.  Is terrified of frogs?

11.  Hates purple?

12.  Buys a box of Whoppers and eats the whole box in one afternoon and then wonders why my blood sugar is off? 

13.  Completely relates to the word, “hangry?”

14.  Wishes I’d asked my grandparents more questions?

15.  Knows more about sports than many men?

16.  Tumbles the same load of clothes 6+ times before I finally fold it?  Then…lets it sit on the chair in my bedroom for a few more days before putting it away?

17.  Wonders what’s going on in far-away places while I sit in my porch swing in Oklahoma?  What must the seals in Antarctica be doing right at this very minute?  How about the children in Africa?

18.  Has texted someone and then answered myself?

19.  Doesn’t drink enough water because I hate taking the time to potty?

20.  Uses several dishes if I have to because I hate when my foods touch?

21.  Freaks out when spell-check corrects me and they’re wrong but I’m in such a hurry I hit “send” before I realize it?

22.  Gets mad at reality shows and swears I’ll never watch them again?

23.  Loves to root for any underdog team in any sport?

24.  Says I’m going to order something different at certain restaurants and then I order the same ol’ thing?

25.  Realizes way too often that I’m holding my breath?

I wanted to be light-hearted in the blog, as my first two were pretty serious!  And because I saved #25 for last, as it has been an issue with me lately, I’m going to breathe today.  Slow, in and out, full-belly breaths.  Life is beautiful! 

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